Underwear is not just a faithful companion that's with us every day, supporting our bodies and offering comfort and wellbeing. Underwear is actually one of the best expressions of personality; not everyone knows that it can also influence our state of mind. 

Colour psychology plays an important role in fashion, as different shades can evoke specific emotions. Let's find out how the colours of your seamless underwear can transform not just your look, but also your way of seeing the world and your emotional wellbeing.

The shades of emotions: what is colour psychology? 

Colour psychology is a discipline that explores the colours of our emotions. In other words, the colours associated with individuals on the basis of the emotions they feel. Not everyone knows that emotions are linked to colours: colour psychology studies our emotional and mental reactions to different colour shades

Every colour can influence our mood, our way of seeing the world and our behaviour. A few examples of emotions and colours: red can boost energy, blue brings calm, and green evokes balance. 

All this is particularly relevant in our choice of underwear, because these garments closely reflect the personality of the wearer. Let's explore the colours of emotions and find out which shades are associated with individuals on the basis of the feelings they evoke. 

Emotions and colours: white, purity and peace

White is the best expression of purity, and an undisputed symbol of clarity. Wearing white seamless underwear can give a feeling of lightness and calm. In fact, white is the perfect colour to start the day with an open mind. 

Choose white bras and knickers when you want a fresh, clean look. One of the very purest emotional colours, white is the perfect way to showcase your personality without distractions.

The colours of emotions: black, elegance and strength

Black is a timeless colour, inextricably linked to elegance and strength. Black underwear can give a feeling of confidence and sophistication. A black seamless bra and a black thong are the classic base for an outfit that will never go out of style. It's the perfect choice if you want to feel powerful and ready for anything.

Colours and emotions: red, passion and energy

Red is by definition the colour of passion and energy. Wearing red seamless underwear can revive your spirits and increase your self-confidence. Choose a red lingerie set when you want to feel daring and confident. The energy of red can transform your day, make you feel ready for a challenge and give you the boost you need to tackle anything.

The colours of emotions: blue, calm and serenity

Blue is one of the colours that can bring a pleasant feeling of calm and serenity. Underwear in shades of blue can be a relaxing choice at any time of day. Go for a blue seamless bra or lingerie set when you need to feel calm and in control, especially at highly stressful times in your life.

Green, freshness and balance: the colour of chic emotions

Green in all its shades evokes a feeling of freshness and balance. Green seamless underwear can be the perfect choice when you need to connect with nature and inner balance. 

Sweetness and femininity: the colour pink

One of the most sensual and feminine emotional colours is pink. It's perfect to create a delicate, romantic mood, and can be the ideal choice when you want to celebrate and showcase your femininity, feeling confident yet tender and romantic.